You’ll Be OK | Album Artwork

The Opportunity

Gareth Emery is an electronic music DJ who wrote my favorite song of all time. Inspired by a moment of intense airplane turbulence, “You’ll Be OK” is lyrical reassurance from one lover to another should they perish in a untimely death. Unveiled in early 2020, this vaguely worded song cast a broad reminder to all those grieving during the pandemic that there is still beauty to be found in life after loss. The cover has been re-imagined to better embody the lyrics.

Proposed Solution

The average lifespan of a butterfly is only 15 - 29 days. Yet, butterflies are not remembered for their brevity of life, but for their beauty. Using handmade origami made with iridescent cellophane, the new artwork plays on themes of fragility and beauty to communicate the song’s meaning. The pixel dispersion effect leverages dual black and white masks in Photoshop to express passing into the ether. Both the pixel shapes and the geometric typeface “Good Times” are subtle nods to Gareth Emery’s millennial audience and electronic brand of music.

This is concept work done at Shillington School of Design.

Keywords // geometric, poignant, ethereal

Tools // Photoshop (including Camera RAW) and InDesign


Boho Bear


Bakery Bits